Ann Arbor Marathon Virtual Half Marathon Recap

2020-03-22 - ann arbor medal

Thanks to the coronavirus/COVID-19 I ran my very first virtual race on Sunday, March 22nd. The thought of doing a virtual race has never appealed to me. I already have a zillion race t-shirts and medals. They provide memories of experiences, and if the experience wasn’t anything special and I didn’t physically race at a certain location, they don’t mean much to me. However, we’re living during a time when all of the races are being canceled or postponed and there aren’t many options.

When I signed up to run the half at the Ann Arbor Marathon, I planned for it to be a training run that would help me build my mileage for the Twilight Zone 6-hour run in May. I went to school in Ann Arbor but didn’t run at the time other than a couple miles now and then on the rec center’s indoor track. I’ve thought about how it would be nice to see the scenery all over Ann Arbor and remind myself how much I love the town. I’ve considered the race for years and it finally fit in my schedule.

When the coronavirus started to shut everything down it became clear that this race would not take place. Epic Races was kind enough to offer a few options. I could defer my entry and run next year. I could transfer to one of their other races this year. Or I could do a virtual race. I didn’t want to defer to next year because I’m not sure what my goals may be next spring. I didn’t want to already lock myself into something that might not fit the schedule later on. I thought transferring to another race would be ideal. Eventually three more of my races were canceled or postponed. A ton of races are being rescheduled in the fall. If I transferred to another Epic race it could potentially conflict with something that hasn’t been rescheduled yet. That realization made me start to consider the virtual option.

Ultimately, my sympathy for all of these poor race directors is what made me choose the virtual option. They’re stuck with a bunch of useless shirts and medals. They’ve invested so much time, money, and hard work into planning these events. They’re in a really tough spot and I feel bad for them. Although it’s not too likely that I’d choose to do a virtual race otherwise, this was a unique situation and felt like it was the best choice. I switched to the virtual race a couple days before the “race day” and received my swag in the mail a few days later.

2020-03-22 - ann arbor packet

2020-03-22 - ann arbor shirt

In addition to the shirt, medal, bag, and sticker, I also received this Buff. I found Buffs to be useful this past winter when I frequently used them for headbands or balaclavas.

2020-03-22 - ann arbor buff

I decided to do my virtual race the same day that I would have actually raced. I chose to go to Stony Creek Metropark because I could run loops continuously without having to worry about stopping at crosswalks. I wore my new pair of Brooks Hyperion Tempo shoes that are billed as a “speed” shoe.

2020-03-22 - ann arbor shoes

I have been concentrating on endurance for the last five months or so since I knew I wouldn’t be targeting any kind of speed at my 50K. I’ve picked up my pace a little bit during a few recent runs but I have rarely run anything much faster than marathon pace. I thought it would be a good chance to push myself but really had no idea what to expect. I had run eight miles at marathon pace earlier in the week. Maybe there was a chance I could try to do that for a half marathon? I thought that might be optimistic though.

It was a cool morning in the 20s with sun and fairly minimal wind. It was a great day for a good effort.

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2020-03-22 - ann arbor stony1

I decided to do two 6-mile loops around Stony’s path and keep going an extra 1.1 at the end. I’d just do a cool down jog or walk it in at the end instead of doing an out and back where I’d have to stop and turn around. I opted to run two clockwise loops which meant that I’d start on the flat stretch rather than climbing up a hill at the beginning.

I didn’t have big expectations because the race atmosphere provides an energy that doesn’t exist when I run on my own. It’s easy to get swept up into a fast pace when there are a bunch of other fast people to follow. I took off and I think in addition to running the flat stretch for the first mile or so, I also had the benefit of running with the wind at my back. It was minor but it was still something. I kept looking at my watch during the first mile and wondered how I was running a pace in the 7:30s to start. I had only run about one mile that fast recently. I thought I could be setting myself up for a rough finish. Maybe I could pull off a 10K at that pace, but not more than double that distance.

I ran 7:28 for my second mile and 7:38 for the third. I thought I was really pressing my luck. I was averaging the goal half marathon pace I run when I’m in top shape and specifically targeting that distance. I realized that maybe the fast start had set a rhythm for me and somehow I was maintaining it. Things get more challenging halfway around the Stony loop though. I always feel the climb somewhere during the third mile through around 4.5 miles. Although the wind was minor, that’s where I could also tell that I was running against it. I slowed down a little bit but told myself that my pace would pick up once I ran downhill and back onto the flat stretch.

2020-03-22 - ann arbor stony elevation

One loop down after six miles. I just had to do it again and finish strong for a little bit extra. Once again, my pace was pretty good for the first couple miles of the second loop before I started to slow a bit. I knew the wind and hills would be hard for a stretch and I just had to fight through before I’d pick up the pace again. I also told myself that ideally I’d be around an 8:00 pace if I wanted to run marathon pace. I was already well ahead of that goal, so even if I slowed down through the end I should be able to manage that. I got through the harder segment, used the momentum of the downhill stretch, and had dropped the pace pretty good for the last mile of the second loop. Now I just had to push with everything I had left for an extra mile. Keeping it up for “just a mile” was pretty challenging at that point though. Most races end up a little bit long unless you run the tangent for 100% of the course. I decided to be extra nerdy and add that little extra to my run as well by going just over 13.1 miles. That way I could convince myself that I had legitimately run a full half marathon course.

2020-03-22 - ann arbor stats

Pay no attention to the elevation information – it always goes bad on my Garmin triathlon watches and is totally inaccurate

1:40:04. If I had stopped right at 13.1 I would have gone sub-1:40! My half marathon PR is 1:39:43 which I ran at Glass City back in 2015. This was my second-fastest half marathon ever! Here’s how the splits broke down:

2020-03-22 - ann arbor splits

I was really excited when I realized how close I had gotten to my PR. How did I do that?? I managed to pull that off without a race environment OR proper speed training at the end of a 60-mile week! It convinced me that running such high mileage in preparation for the 50K must be working in my favor. Even though I haven’t been testing my speed lately I guess it’s still there. I must be building enough strength with my high mileage to go fast when I actually try.

Wearing some of my University of Michigan gear helped me get into the spirt of the race despite not getting to run in Ann Arbor. Running such a fast time helped me feel like this “race” was actually worthwhile after all. Although I may not have been too excited about the idea of a virtual race, we’re going through a unique time that will make this one memorable and it’s a bonus that I came away from it feeling so accomplished.

2020-03-22 - ann arbor janet

– Janet

Follow me on Instagram @janetboltz and Twitter @reidphotography

Weeks 8-10 of Training For…??

Well, it’s amazing how much things have changed over the last few weeks. When I wrote my last blog on March 3rd I thought I was about to enter the racing season. Since then I’ve had four races get postponed or canceled due to the coronavirus, including my 50K. Canceled races are pretty minor in the big picture of everything going on though.

Life has already been challenging enough for me within the past year and it seems to keep piling on. A couple weeks ago I was completely crushed after having to let go of my sweet cat Romeo, then the following week I had to file for unemployment. Not great. I swear I won’t make this whole blog a pity party for myself because nobody wants to read that. Everyone is going through some kind of struggle right now. Running seems to be the one thing I still have going for me, so I’m going to embrace that and try to concentrate on something positive.

Week 8

I finally went back out to Paint Creek Trail for some of my runs. The surface is usually pretty iffy for a while as the winter season wraps up but I’d grown tired of pounding the pavement and running hills all the time. I was even willing to splash through the mud for some runs. Eventually the trail started to dry out but there are a lot of ruts from bikes and footprints that make the surface really uneven right now.

2020-03-04 - paint creek1

2020-03-05 - paint creek1

On Saturday, March 7th I participated in my first running event since October. Dave’s Running Shop hosted a training run called March Mayhem near Toledo, OH. They provided a race-like experience for $35 with a timed and marked course, a water stop, a shirt, pictures, and post-race treats. I thought it would be nice to run somewhere new, maybe put in a stronger effort, and hang out with my friend Lisa.

2020-03-07 - daves shirt

The distance was a little over 15 miles which happened to be the distance I had on my training schedule. It was nice to run on some crushed and paved paths around Pearson’s Metropark.

2020-03-07 - march mayhem janet1

They also offered a shorter route, and unfortunately I made a wrong turn and followed that route at first. When I realized that I was heading back to the start/finish, I turned around and tried to sort things out. I was supposed to run two big loops followed by a small loop. I had run the small loop plus some extra distance first. Oops. It was just a training run so it didn’t really matter what I did, and I finished with 15.9 miles instead of 15.25. I had a decent run and enjoyed the soup and grilled cheese sandwiches that followed!

2020-03-07 - march mayhem janet3

I wrapped up my eighth week of training with 13 miles the next day – a total of 51 miles for the week. I ran to a local park called Innovation Hills that Sunday and enjoyed checking out a pretty boardwalk.

2020-03-08 - innovation hills


Week 9

I was in a really dark place after losing Romeo. Somehow I was still motivated enough to get out there since I know that running is one of my best outlets for coping. Running is usually an uplifting, empowering thing for me, but not that week. My first run of the week was pretty much fueled by anger, resulting in eight miles at marathon pace. I haven’t run that fast for that long since October, but my disgust with everything happening in my life made it feel easy. I basically just went through the motions for the next few days and still ran, but I wasn’t feeling it. I didn’t want to be stuck in my own head for 18 miles that Saturday so I ran with music, which I rarely do. It could only distract me so much but I ended up having a really strong run.

2020-03-14 - macomb orchard2

I ran 11 miles the next day and finished the week with a total of 61 miles. I maintained my swim routine through the week, but by Friday the 13th I had a feeling it would be my last swim for a while. All of the coronavirus craziness really kicked in the day before and I figured I’d get one last swim in. At this point who knows how long it might be before I get to swim again.


Week 10

By the time this week rolled around pretty much everything got canceled or postponed. I knew March races like the Ann Arbor Half Marathon and Rock CF Half Marathon were bound to be affected. I hoped that races further in the future would still happen but day by day things continued to get worse. The Martian Marathon in April was my third race to get canceled/postponed. Surely we’d be okay by May and I could still run my 50K? Nope.

2020-03 - twilight zone

It’s frustrating, but obviously there are much bigger things going on right now. Fortunately all of the races I had signed up for were local. None of them were big destination trips and I can cope. Even the Boston Marathon and Olympics have been impacted, so my races seem pretty minor in comparison. There’s nothing we can do about it except adapt, hope we can get through this as quickly as possible, and see how it all plays out.

There’s another 50K in the same area five weeks later on June 6th. I decided I will jump back five weeks in my training plan and pick it up from there. That would extend my plan to a total of 21 weeks. Of course I have no idea if that race will get canceled too. If it does, at that point I can pull the plug and figure out what to aim for next. I know I need to give my body a break and shouldn’t keep grinding at this level all summer long. We’ll see if I even get a chance at a triathlon season this year!

With all of the coronavirus craziness, eventually my gym closed. I’m really thankful that I had already shifted my strength workouts to the basement at home. I can’t swim anymore, but at least I can maintain my usual weights routine. It’s heartbreaking not to have my little workout partner anymore though.

2020-03 - romeo weights

After ten weeks of training it felt like my fitness really came together. All of my weekday runs were really strong. I was hit with the blow on Thursday that I was done with work for the time being and would have to file for unemployment. I saw it coming so it wasn’t a complete shock. I ran off to the woods at Stony Creek Metropark that night with a million thoughts running through my head.

2020-03-19 - stony1

Just when I come out of one dark place and start to think that life can’t possibly beat me up anymore, something else comes along. At this point it’s almost gotten so ridiculous that I’m just numb to it now. I’m making my best attempt to look for the positive, and at least running has been a saving grace for me.

With everyone swarming the local trails to escape the boredom of being stuck at home, I decided to venture out to the peaceful, isolated dirt roads on Saturday.

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2020-03-21 - dirt roads1

The Ann Arbor Marathon would have taken place on Sunday. I decided to switch to the virtual option and ran a half marathon on my own at Stony Creek Metropark. Somehow I managed to run the second fastest time I’ve ever run for a half marathon! When I get the t-shirt and medal I think I’ll write up a separate blog for that.

2020-03-22 - stony1

I wrapped up the latest week of training with a total of 60 miles. It seems like building all of this endurance has been working in my favor. Now I’ll see if it pays off in a race environment at some point. I enjoy the grind of training most of the time and will continue running whether I have a race on the schedule or not. As I try to look on the bright side, at least I’m healthy and now that I have nowhere to go all day, I can run whenever I choose!

– Janet

Follow me on Instagram @janetboltz and Twitter @reidphotography


Weeks 5-7 of Training for the Twilight Zone 6-Hour Run

I have three more weeks of training in the books for the Twilight Zone 6-Hour Run where I aim to run a 50K. As someone at work referred to it, my “super marathon.” Someone else knew it was considered an ultra marathon, but it was a fun reminder that although this is my reality, most people don’t know much about this crazy world of running.

Aside from coping with some snow, cold wind, and an ankle that was angry for a few days, my training has continued to go fairly smoothly. I finished February with 239 miles and am up to 449 miles for the year so far. I finally broke the 60-mile barrier for weekly mileage this past week. I have run more than 60 miles in a week a few times while training for marathons, but I believe the 65 miles I ran last week may be a new high for me.

2020-03-02 - February mileage

Although running is clearly my priority, I’ve managed to maintain some swimming and weight training as well

Week 5

I was scheduled to hit 60 miles for the fifth week of training and I made it to 59. The snow and ice melted enough to run around home a couple days, but I went back to Stony Creek Metropark the rest of the week. One or two of the runs had a real-feel in the single digits. We’ve been lucky that this winter has rarely been that cold. I had back-to-back 13-milers on the weekend. I ran one of them with a group and ran solo the next day. I thought I was a little on the fast side the first day then ended up a few minutes faster the next day. I haven’t been doing any speed or tempo runs so I guess it’s okay if I run a little faster now and then. My body must have felt the effects of the high mileage because I woke up with night sweats following the second 13-mile run. That usually happens to me at some point during marathon training and so far it’s only been the one night during this training segment.

2020-02-13 - stony2

Stony Creek Metropark

2020-02-16 - stony2

Stony Creek Metropark

Week 6 

I was supposed to run 61 miles the sixth week but only made it to 45 miles. That Tuesday night my right ankle/shin felt a little tweaky during my run. It seemed okay for a few miles so I thought I could run through it. Of course it really started to bother me once I got about three miles out from the parking lot at Stony. I ran one more mile but had to walk two. As if it wasn’t challenging enough to walk back with my angry ankle, I got really cold and the strong wind didn’t help. I was frozen and miserable by the end of that workout. I’ve experienced that tweaky feeling many times over the years where my ankle/shin area locks up. If I take a day off I’m usually fine by the next day. Since I pushed through it I was afraid I’d made it worse. I took two days off to recover and luckily that did the trick.

2020-02-18 - stony2

Stony Creek Metropark

2020-02-18 - stony3

Stony Creek Metropark

That Friday I did a test run and was relieved that I felt good enough for 8 miles. I ventured by one of the rail-to-trails, but they’re still too icy. I miss having flat routes like the trails for easy runs. Pretty much all of my paved winter routes are hilly. Hopefully the hills will make me stronger though!

2020-02-21 - clinton river trail2

Clinton River Trail

I went back to Stony for my solo 18-mile run on Saturday. Stony has been a good place for my long runs because I can stop at the car to swap water bottles as I rack up the miles. I went back for 13 miles the next day and did the first seven solo, then ran six with my friend Carmen. This week was a reminder that taking a couple days off will not derail my training, but trying to push through injury could. I still got my long runs in, and although I still didn’t break that barrier of 60 miles for the week, at least the tweak didn’t turn into something more serious.

2020-02-22 - stony2

Stony Creek Metropark

Week 7

I finally broke the 60-mile threshold for the first time during this training cycle with 65 miles for the seventh week. Monday is usually my day off but I shifted it to Wednesday to avoid running in the snow and ice that came that day. Unfortunately, the conditions weren’t great on Thursday either. There was a really strong wind that blew snow across the path at Stony. A tenth to a quarter of a mile was the longest I could make it at a time with clear pavement. When I found one clear stretch, I ran back and forth on that to rack up a couple miles. It was a slow run trying to fight the wind and run through snow drifts, but I got it done. At least it looked pretty.

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Stony Creek Metropark

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Stony Creek Metropark

2020-02-27 - stony3

Stony Creek Metropark

The path was almost totally clear on Friday but it was still pretty windy. I’ve grown tired of battling the wind lately.

2020-02-28 - stony1

Stony Creek Metropark

I had a huge weekend of mileage with 20 miles on Saturday and 15 on Sunday. I got a late start for Saturday’s run, but that was a good thing because it was a sunny afternoon and the temperature made it into the 30s. I treated myself to some new running shoes that morning. With all of the mileage I’ve been running I can always use more shoes, plus I was tempted to see what the new, lightweight Brooks Hyperion Tempo shoes felt like. I didn’t think I’d run 20 miles in them for my first run but they kept working so I kept using them.

2020-02-29 - stony2

The new Brooks Hyperion Tempo shoes

I ran 12 miles to start then stopped at the car. I swapped bottles and brought an Uncrustable peanut butter and jelly sandwich with me. It was my first time trying that during a run. I’m concerned that I usually get tired of eating chews during the late miles of marathons so maybe I should experiment with some of the things ultra runners eat. I ate the sandwich in quarters every 2.5-3 miles which seemed to work. I was tired by the end of the 20 miles, but I didn’t feel too beat up. Good thing since I had 15 more miles to run the next day. For that one I ran nine miles, swapped bottles, then experimented with eating a Honey Stinger Waffle for the last six miles. I ate a quarter of the waffle a couple times within the six miles and that seemed to work too. My legs were pretty tired and I had to fight through a strong wind to finish, but I successfully finished a 65-mile week.

I haven’t raced since the Chicago Marathon in October and will get back to it now that March is here. I’m not sure that I’ll really be “racing” so much as using the events to help me get my mileage in. I sure could use a change of scenery from Stony since I’ve been doing almost all of my training there. This coming weekend I plan to head to the Toledo area for a 15-mile March Mayhem training run that will be formatted like a race. I also have the Ann Arbor and Rock CF half marathons coming up later this month. I’m looking forward to getting back to the race environment and hope that having others around will help pull me along faster than I’ve been running recently.

– Janet

Follow me on Instagram @janetboltz and Twitter @reidphotography